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Presidential election results of Untited states, Towards a new history of the United States president, How about Indonesia's economy ?

The United States is the superpower of all the various fields, both in terms of the areas of defense and economic fields as well as fields lainhya, already highly recognized world sejagad highway.
         Exactly on this day of new presidential elections in which the umpteenth time superpower the United States made history where presidential candidate Donald trump and hillary clinton presidential contest to get the seats of Amerika Presidential

         Various arguments are removed from each candidate in order maintains and raises public confidence in the United States have been issued by each candidate.

Donald is an entrepreneur and its existence as a figure that is very inviting and so very controversial attention for all people of the United States and the world community by selecting the republican party into the ingredients to be a candidate for president.

Donald Trump promoted a variety of mission to be a President of the United States one of which is reducing the number of Muslims in the United States. From one such mission mengudang mind many thoughts and ideas from various circles. On the other hand, Donald Trump also revealed that Hillary Clinton is not a prominent politician honest.

Many people are afraid to pick Donald trump caused by ideas and arguments that he covey and worry of how  the United States as well as the effect on other countries later. Of the few ideas that disampiakan Donald Trump one was not found things toward building a controversial and even cause reduced public confidence when viewed from the side of human logic.

In contrast to a Hillary clinton is a woman which first made history in the United States presence of a woman who nominated  herself as a presidential candidate and Memi. Hillary Clinton was a Lady of the United States (1993-2001) and minister of foreign (2009-2013) and various other positions she had occupied in the United States. Hillary Clinton is more likely to develop on international trade and is able to provide public confidence in the United States are also people abroad.

But  it is not expected, today is the day on 09 November presidential election in which the United States based on the preliminary results by pollingDonald Trump ahead of Hillary Clinton that  230 vs 209. Excellent results are not thought to where that during this time many people do not believe in a Donald Trump who has been highly controversial with various ideas able to be superior to hillary clinton.

Well, what about Indonesia's economy?

Based on information from bank Indonesia, Indonesia is currently interconnected economy will not experience a disruption in what is happening in the United States, with the amount of money that goes to 100 trillion rupiah, 
capable of maintaining stability economic’s Indonesia today.

Relyz '3: 44Pm

Presidential election results of Untited states, Towards a new history of the United States president, How about Indonesia's economy ? Presidential election results of Untited states, Towards a new history of the United States president, How about Indonesia's economy ? Reviewed by Unknown on 1:51 AM Rating: 5

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