One of the tourist objcet and the most widely visited in Indonesia is the Borobudur temple. A very historic temples and hundreds of years old it binds the attention of many tourists. Borobudur temple is located at 100 km to the southwest of the city of Semarang, 86 km west of the city of Surakarta, 40 km northwest of the city Yogykarta, precisely in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. It is easily accessible and not so hard to make this historic building visited by thousands of people in one day either from domestic tourists and foreign tourists. In fact Borobudur temple is a temple or shrine and the largest Buddhist monument in the world. Achievement Borobudur temple which was so interesting, compelling and high value makes this temple ever received an award as one part of the seven wonders of the world of UNESCO.
Historically, Borobudur temple shaped stupa was built by the followers of the Buddhist religion around the year 800 AD during the reign of the House of Syailedra. This Buddhist temple consists of six terraces of a square and topped with three circular altar, originally there were 504 Buddhist archa and the walls are ornate with 2672 relief panels. No one knows the exact origin of the name of Borobudur, but the name of Borobudur is estimated to come from the "Bore-Budur" which is then written into Borobudur. Borobudur have meaning, namely Borobudur possibility "Bore" which is the name of the village yagn be around Borobudur and budur may be related to the Javanese Buddhist term that means Purba. Actually, many theories about the name of Borobudur, but no one is able to get the actual origin of the name.
Based on historical evidence Borobudur temple was abandoned in the 14th century BC as the weakening of the influence of Hindu and Buddhist religion in Java as well as begin the influence of Islam. However, The World's Kulia were found back in 1814 during the reign of Thomas Stamford Raffles as Governor General.
Research historian J.G the Carparis in his dissertation say that this temple was built as a place of worship for Buddhists. The number of beams needed in the construction of this temple reaches 2 million blocks of andesite or the equivalent square 50.000m. The size of the overall weight of this temple to 3.5 million tons by the time the construction is estimated at 50 years.
Borobudur has three levels and each one has a meaning
1. The first level is the level of foot or Kamandhatu. This level interpret human life is filled with lust and bestiality.
2. The second level is a significant Ruphadatu a level of human consciousness is still bound by lust, material and form.
3. The third level is Aruphadatuya, namely human life yagn already separated from lust, material and form,
The third levels can only be achieved with the desire and emptiness
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